Category Archives: MOFO CUP OPEN

2025 Spring MOFO May 22-25

Dear MoFos,

Clean your balls and spit shine your shafts, It’s MoFo time!!

Last Spring had one of the most undramatic victory in MoFo history! The Ruff Riders ran away with the MoFo Cup with a 12 stroke win. No worth mentioning 2nd place. The Bushwhackers surprised everyone in Midland to win by 4 over the Parverts and take home the KiFe Cup. In Your Putt Hole destroyed MLB by 2 strokes to win the Shit Show. H.R. Puttnstuff shocked everyone by taking home the only skin on the weekend! Congrats to all!

Spring MoFo is May 22nd-25th, 2025.

Course-Brooklea Golf and Country Club.


Cost-$560/player due by April 18th.



That’s Fall for now

What a fantastic weekend! The company, the golf & even the weather! Lots of vacation spray was used!

Big congrats to the Bullocks for their historical MoFo comeback win! A huge upset but all 4 rounds count. Tigers Wood just seem to sail boated their way to another victory in KiFe. Don’t forget about Dirty Birdie who finished strong and probably sober.

Looking forward to having everyone back for May!


PS. Apologies for not getting any swag, every Fall player will have $25 put towards the spring MoFo.

Wait?!? Who is that on the wall?

It was a milestone weekend for the MOFO, First time for Jr on the wall, you read that right, if you ever wanted to give him a pat this may have been your only opportunity. A little rain, a lot of sun, a big win for the raptors, and the course seems to get longer every year. The fighting Marchmen battled Fries and Gravy in a playoff to win top honours. Birdacus were so happy with their win they actually touched the trophy. Oh yeah, it was also the first time for TNT to take home some hardware. OK it was Sh!t Show but a trophy none the less. A big thanks to all for a great weekend, see you in the fall.